Hello there all.
Well, where the time has flown this year? Despite the many challenges and short comings. That has been dealt with this year and the saddened loss, the greatest loss of the nation’s great Queen Elizabeth II. A true horse lover herself. I deeply admire her dedication to having reigned this country for 70 years! So then following her example am continuing in contributing to capturing the majestical enchantment of the animals much loved by her. It is in loving memory of my Nana’s passing of last year i dedicate my time to the creation of a new series of works that as you can see based on my own history. A production in the making, The Ore Landers Series!
I certainly, am being kept busy with the designing and the production of the many drawings cluttering around my house with the many possibilities for which the composition of the paintings can be portrayed at their best. Nothing is painted unless it has included a title and sure enough the titles of the paintings are running way ahead of me faster than I am able to paint them but sound beautiful none the less.
I have also started producing my own canvases making all of these from scratch this is a huge learning curve the process in development before i think of creating a new YouTube video. That will be exciting to see how these are made. I love using raw cotton canvas that then is coated in a layer of latex paint. That to my utter dislike smells a little like cat pee. Not the finest of smells but the process of building and producing my own canvases is really rather rewarding. That i would encourage anybody to give it try at least once!